This is an old archived copy of our homepage!

our current homepage can be found at

This page was last modified September 2, 2003

this is the homepage of
Christopher (aka zane) and Mary (aka miss mary)
often known collectively on the Internet as


Our Contact Information

our primary e-mail address is

our Ch@b number is 0000005000088505

you can also meet us on this page and URL Chat

all of miss mary's individual contact information can be found on her home page at

Our Various Things

we have a Yahoo! Photo Album that includes, among other things, a few more pictures of us, though, it is no longer updated...
instead, we now just have a photos subdirectory in our earthlink space that we put all our photos in as we take them...

we have an online list of all our Dreamcast hardware and software that we will try to keep updated...

we have a fairly large collection of screenshots from our many wonderful hours spent with Phantasy Star Online, which we began playing in April 2001...
though it is only a Yahoo! Photo Album, and usually quite disorganized, we love the collection so much, we decided to give it it's own cjb address to make it easier to get to...
when you get there, clicking on 'list' will show you full titles... clicking on 'thumbnails' again will take you back to the thumbnails view with the abbreviated titles...

we also have small online collections of NASA TV screen shots, wav files, midis, and images of varying interest in both a yahoo photo album and in our webspace...

pretty much everything else that does not quite fit anywhere else is in our stuff directory... you may or may not find anything in there that interests you...

Our Random Recommendable Links
below are ten random links (assuming you have a javascript-enabled browser), on a variety of subjects (hopefully), that we feel are worth recommending as useful, interesting, relevant, or for whatever reason...

this list is totally randomized and it should be different every time you visit this page

if you want more than the ten shown below, you can click the button at the bottom of the list to get ten more

there were about 60 links in the randomizer the last time we checked

we have a guest book...
feel free to let us know you stopped by...
View Our Guestbook
Sign Our Guestbook

the guest book is also being used lately as an easy place for us to post the site's update history as changes are made...

This site was created on Sept. 6, 2001, by Christopher and Mary using a SEGA Dreamcast and continues to be maintained using only Dreamcast browsers...

This site, and all similar endeavors, are dedicated to Christopher's father, who always encouraged his growth as a techie...

email - ch@b - url chat - miss mary
photo album - photo subdir - dreamcast - pso
nasa tv - wav - midi - images album - images subdir
stuff - orrl - view guestbook - sign guestbook

we have a search engine that covers pretty much all of our personal pages, projects, and collections...

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