This is an old archived copy of our homepage!

our current homepage can be found at

This page was last modified April 8, 2004

this is the homepage of
Christopher (aka zane) and Mary (aka miss mary)
often known collectively on the Internet as


Our Contact Information

our primary e-mail address is
(you can email us individually by just using "her" or "him")

his ICQ number is 199853486
her ICQ number is 334149892

his Ch@b number is 0000005000088505
her Ch@b number is 0000005000095660

you can also meet us on this page and URL Chat

Our Various Things

we each have a DreamEye and we put all our photos online as we take them...

we have a list of our Dreamcast hardware and software, though it is out of date...
however, our LaserDisc Collection Page on is always kept up to date and we welcome any trade offers...

we also have small online collections of media files of varying interest...

various odds and ends tend to end up in our stuff directory... you may or may not find anything in there that interests you...

if you are looking for something specific that is not listed on this page, we have a search tool that searches pretty much all of our sites, personal pages, projects, and collections that we have or have ever had...
and for an overview of everything on this site, we have a site map that outlines the contents of this domain...

Our Random Recommendable Links
below are ten random links (assuming you have a javascript-enabled browser), on a variety of subjects (hopefully), that we feel are worth recommending as useful, interesting, relevant, or for whatever reason...

this list is totally randomized and it should be different every time you visit this page

if you want more than the ten shown below, you can click the button at the bottom of the list to get ten more

there were about 60 links in the randomizer the last time we checked

we have a guest book...
feel free to let us know you stopped by...
View Our Guestbook
Sign Our Guestbook

This site was created on Sept. 6, 2001, by Christopher and Mary using a SEGA Dreamcast and continues to be maintained using only Dreamcast browsers, with occasional minor tasks done on our Psion palmtop computers...

This site, and all similar endeavors, are dedicated to Christopher's father, who always encouraged his growth as a techie...

email us/him/her - ICQ him/her - Ch@b him/her - url chat
photos - dreamcast - LDDb - media - stuff - orrl
view guestbook - sign guestbook

search - site map

his LiveJournal - her LiveJournal

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